Thursday, September 24, 2009

Better or worse...

Some days its hard to tell if I'm getting better or worse or if its just simply changing getting better in some spots and worse in others. I'm very disappointed that I didn't get to continue the Keflex but I have other medical issues going on right now and it was necessary for stop so I could take other medications. What medical issues? Thyroid disease, diabetes, kidney issues, depression, anxiety. Nice little mix there isn't it? So I'm on Celexa and Ativan for the anxiety and depression, Amaryl for the diabetes, Synthroid for the thyroid disease and Lisinopril for my kidney issue. Yes Lisinopril is generally used for high blood pressure and to protect against heart attacks but it is also used to help protect the kidneys from protein. Or so my doctor says!

So here's my hands as of tonight...

They're just slightly peeling but not bad and just a few tiny spots where a blister tried to come up and just didn't quite make it. I have a couple spots you cant really see in the pictures where I picked a piece of skin off and it pulled good skin off and bled a tiny bit. Thats my fault, I'm a picker, I try not to but it seems to be so hard to not pick sometimes.

Now for my feet, which look rougher and I have been having pain with the last couple of weeks. Here's my left foot. Its the better one I think.

Now my right foot. This is the foot that's been giving me trouble. It hurts, half the time I don't want to walk on it but I'm doing the best I can to suck it up. I'm not going to complain about it, it is what it is. 


 So there you have it. Not the best of updates but who knows what the future holds.

Now its been suggested that if I quit smoking (I quit several months ago) that this would go away. It didn't. If anything it may be worse now than when I smoked. Also it has been suggested that I'm allergic to bugs and/or bug feces. I don't feel this is the case. I'm also on a medication for my allergies, but honestly, I cant see that this would be the case. My diet has changed and is changing again, doing this has not helped at all either. The Keflex was helping, but I needed to do the best thing for my body right now. So your guess is as good as mine, what caused this, what will heal this...

I just know that tomorrow is a new day and I hope everyone has a great one!

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